Monday, March 1, 2010

Windows 8 is just around the corner

Microsoft earnings just enjoyed the famous Windows 7 when rumors began to circulate in the development of this platform successorsaved his owner from a catastrophic loss and bad reputation of Windows Vista.

The date for the launch of the new version of Windows is estimated for 2012.

No details have been revealed loq ue could be this new tool. What it says is that until now Microsoft will be called Windows 8, which will not resemble anything like the previous version, but is related to the new Windows software and Zune Phone 7 HD published a list of what you should bring the new Windows.

Among the most notable detail is the order to install the software faster and simplicity. Reducing the number of clicks to perform some task. Crearce should also say that a tool called Finger Friendly, which is using the fingers to perform tasks.

The price is the most repeated request on this site because it has always presented a problem for the acquisition